SPA18+ Thai head massage 40min


Price: 43.00 € 


Select the service time

14:50 Emmy
17:20 Emmy
17:20 Rainy
20:00 Emmy
20:10 Rainy
SKU: salbos_1047 Category:


Thai head massage helps to balance the whole body. A soothing and relaxing massage that helps with headaches and sleep disturbances and is exceptionally good at improving concentration. The massage starts from the shoulder girdle and covers the head, neck and arms. Great for people who work at the computer.

Price: 43.00 € 

Thai head massage helps to balance the whole body. A soothing and relaxing massage that helps with headaches and sleep disturbances and is exceptionally good at improving concentration. The massage starts from the shoulder girdle and covers the head, neck and arms. Great for people who work at the computer.

Price: 43.00 €